爆弾肉テロおにぎり!! 爆発的な美味しさの体験!Bomb Meat Terrorism Onigiri!! An Explosive Culinary Experience!

 爆弾肉テロおにぎり!! 爆発的な美味しさの体験!






粗びき肉 200g
ベーコン 1枚
玉ねぎ 1/8個
ライス 適量
塩 少々
コショウ 少々
にんにく 小さじ1
ごま油 小さじ1

ケチャップ 大さじ1
粒マスタード 大さじ1
マヨネーズ 大さじ1
チリパウダー 小さじ1


Bomb Meat Terrorism Onigiri!! An Explosive Culinary Experience!

Let's create an explosion of flavors with Bomb Meat Terrorism Onigiri! Start by mixing ground minced meat with salt, pepper, and savory garlic. Shape the mixture into patties and place them on a hot griddle to cook with high heat until they get a delicious sear, just like making hamburger patties. Don't forget to cook the bacon and onions alongside the patties for an added layer of flavor.

Next, prepare the explosive meat terrorism sauce by combining ketchup, mustard seeds, chili powder, and mayonnaise. Set this sauce aside for later.

Lay a sheet of seaweed on a cutting board and spread a layer of rice over it. On top of the rice, arrange the patties, bacon, onions, sauce, cheese, and another layer of rice, in that order. Wrap the ingredients with the seaweed to form the shape of a bomb, and let it rest for about 10 minutes.

Place the bomb-shaped meat terrorism onigiri onto a frying pan, lightly brush it with sesame oil, sprinkle a pinch of salt, and quickly pan-fry it until the seaweed's surface becomes crispy. This step ensures a delectable crunch.

With every bite, you'll experience the savory richness of the meat, the sweetness of the onions, the creaminess of the cheese, and the kick of the spicy sauce, all harmonizing perfectly on your palate. Whether for lunchboxes, a quick lunch, or a satisfying dinner, this explosive onigiri is a complete package of flavors.

Easy to enjoy with just one hand, this ultimate onigiri is a culinary adventure waiting for you to try. Don't hesitate to create this spectacular dish.

【Ingredients for Bomb Meat Terrorism Onigiri】
200g ground minced meat
1 slice of bacon
1/8 onion
Rice (appropriate amount)
A pinch of salt
A pinch of pepper
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon sesame oil

【Meat Terrorism Sauce】
1 tablespoon ketchup
1 tablespoon mustard seeds
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1 teaspoon chili powder

Give this explosive Bomb Meat Terrorism Onigiri recipe a try, and savor a special culinary moment!

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